

To serve Pennsylvania’s commercial vegetable, potato and berry growers through education, research, advocacy and promotion.


To be the driving force in ensuring the future viability of the commercial vegetable, potato and berry industries in Pennsylvania.


Providing educational opportunities for Pennsylvania commercial vegetable, potato and berry growers is the core of PVGA’s mission. We provide a weekly email update, a monthly newsletter, and an annual convention and trade show.  PVGA also sponsors local grower meetings and a farm market bus tour.


Funding practical research on vegetable and berry production issues is also a priority for PVGA.  Over the past 33 years, the Association has contributed over $1.3 million to support research to help keep growers profitable.


PVGA is the organized and common voice of the Pennsylvania vegetable, potato and berry industries that seeks to represent the interests of growers to government officials, Penn State University administrators and the general public.


PVGA supports various promotion efforts for Pennsylvania grown produce.  Its food booth at the Pennsylvania Farm Show serves various vegetable and small fruit products to thousands of consumers each year.