The 2025 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention will be held January 28-30. For more information including the educational program and the list of exhibitors, visit the Convention website here
Online registration is closed. Onsite registration is welcome. Download the registration form here
PVGA is proud to be a sponsor of the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, one of the premier grower meetings in the Northeast and beyond. This multi-state event is co-sponsored by PVGA as well as the fruit grower associations of Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and Virginia with the educational program being planned by Extension specialists and educators from Penn State, Rutgers, University of Maryland and Virginia Tech. It is a three-day grower meeting with six to nine concurrent educational sessions each day plus an industry trade show with over 160 vendors. Pre-convention workshops and a farm-market bus tour are offered the day before the Convention and a special keynote speaker is scheduled for the first day of the main Convention. The Convention is held each winter at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, PA.
Proceedings for the vegetable, potato, flower, small fruit and general sessions are printed each year and included in PVGA’s registration fee. A list of the available Proceedings (online pdf files) is available here.
Besides the workshops, bus tour, educational sessions and the industry trade show, the Mid-Atlantic Convention also includes several social events. The Annual Fruit and Vegetable Growers Banquet, held the evening of the first day of the Convention, begins with a reception followed by a delicious buffet dinner and various awards from the sponsoring organizations. PVGA’s Annual Award and Life Memberships are presented here. The second evening of the Convention features a reception for apple growers and PVGA’s Ice Cream Social for everyone. And of course the entire Convention is an opportunity to network with fellow growers and marketers from throughout the mid-Atlantic region and beyond, one of the main attractions for many growers.
For information in general on the convention, contact Tammy K Linn, Assistant Convention Coordinator, at or 717-973-5915.
For information on exhibiting in the convention trade show, contact Maureen Irvin, Convention Coordinator, at or 717-677-4184.