Why Join PVGA?

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association is dedicated to serving the vegetable, potato and berry growers of PA. 

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The association serves you by:

Produce display

Providing education opportunities for you

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Newsour own members only newsletter with practical and regulatory information for vegetable, potato and berry growers.
PVGA Updatea members only weekly email with announcements of upcoming events, current news, and links to articles of interest from other sources.
Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Conventionan annual three-day convention with six or more concurrent educational sessions and 140 exhibitors with a $50 to $105 per person discount on convention registration.
Twilight Meetingsregional grower gatherings at farms around the state.
Farm Market Tour
an annual bus tour of farm markets
www.pvga.org – our own website provides online information about the Association and its activities as well as the industry.
Publications – All members receive a complimentary subscription the American Vegetable Grower and the Vegetable Growers News.

Vegetables in a grocery store

By supporting research you can use

Over $1,300,000 contributed towards dozens of research projects in the last 33 years
Tomato fungicide scheduling and other disease control projects
Sweet corn insect monitoring project
Weed control projects
Disease resistant tomato breeding projects
Small fruit projects

A farmer's market

By promoting your products

Food booth at the Farm Show selling vegetables and berry products
Profits used to fund research

Pennsylvania Capitol

By representing your interests

State and federal legislative representation with special attention to food safety, labor, deer crop damage, irrigation and pesticide issues
Member of the State Council of Farm Organizations
Member of the United Fresh Produce Association
Industry liaison with Penn State University researchers and extension personnel
Member of the Penn State Agricultural Council

Pennsylvania Simply Sweet Onions

By offering special services for growers

Licensing growers and handlers to sell onions under the “Simply Sweet” brand name

PVGA serves you, the grower, because it is made up of growers like yourself. Without support and participation of growers willing to help themselves and their fellow growers it would not exist to serve you and the vegetable, potato and berry industries. PVGA needs you.. and you and your livelihood need PVGA!

Click here to join today!!

Check out the various Membership Opportunities PVGA has to offer!

Regular Membership – Open to anyone with an interest in the purposes of the Association.  Entitled to one vote and one subscription to the newsletter. Annual dues are $75.00.  For new members who join after July 1, the dues are $37.50 for the half year.

Associate Regular Membership – Open to extension agents, university/college personnel, students and retired members with an interest in the purposes of the Association.

Annual dues are $45.00, not subject to any discounts.

Keystone Membership – Open to vegetable, potato and berry farming operations, processing firms and supplier firms or any one with an interest in the purposes of the Association.  The purpose of the Keystone Membership is to provide additional funds for special purposes and to recognize those persons and firms supporting these activities of the Association.  Entitled to one vote and one subscription to the newsletter. Keystone Suggested annual Keystone Membership dues are based the member’s gross income from the vegetable, potato or berry business as listed below however any member paying $100.00 or  more in dues will be considered a Keystone Member.  Dues in excess of Regular Membership rates will be deposited in an endowment-type fund with the interest to be used for special purposes.    The amount of dues paid by individual Keystone Members will not be published.  Suggested dues are as follows:

Gross IncomeSuggested Dues
Up to $75,000$100.00
$75,000 – $150,000$125.00
$150,000 – $225,000$175.00
$225,000 – $500,000$225.00
$500,000 – $1,000,000$300.00
$1,000,000 and up$400.00

Click here to join today!!