Detecting Optimum Ripeness in Tomatoes

The portable Raman spectrometer, a device used in very different fields such as metallurgy, archaeology and art, allows data to be obtained on the variation in the composition of the tomato fruit during its various ripening phases, according to the results of a study...

Orchard Offers Vegetable Breeding Course

An intensive, two-day vegetable breeding workshop will take place on June 17 and 24 from 9 a.m. to noon at North Star Orchard. The workshop, geared toward the more experienced gardener, will be led by NSO Garden Manager Kevin Booth and NSO Greenhouse Manager Lena...

Seed Vigor in Sweet Corn Revisited

Uneven or poor stands may be caused by reduced seed vigor in a specific lot of sweet corn seed. This results in reduced yields in fresh market sweet corn and may cause losses in processing corn if differences in growth are significant.  See more here.

Seeding and Transplanting Vegetables

Stand establishment means getting the crop off to a quick, healthy, and uniform start in the field. It also means using a planting arrangement that provides adequate room for plants to grow and develop, and one that makes it easy to manage the crop throughout the...

Drivers of Insecticide Use

Over the past half century, food production has intensified to meet the growing demand. And as agricultural fields have become ever larger, more pesticides are required to enhance yield.  Among increasingly huge spreads of single crops, insects tend to thrive as the...

Tillage Practices Damages Earthworms

The digging, stirring and overturning of soil by conventional ploughing in tillage farming is severely damaging earthworm populations around the world, say scientists.  The findings published in the scientific journal Global Change Biology show a systematic decline in...