
Providing educational opportunities for Pennsylvania commercial vegetable, potato and berry growers is at the core our mission. We accomplish that goal through a number of different means.

Newsletter  – PVGA publishes its own bi-monthly newsletter, the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers News.  The current newsletter is mailed to members six times per year.  If your business sells products or services to commercial vegetable, potato, berry, or greenhouse growers or to direct marketers, be sure to check out our PVGA 2025 Advertising Information.

Email Update – PVGA send the email Update to all members who provide their email address to the association.

Convention and Trade Show – PVGA is one of five organizations that sponsors the multi-state Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention at the Hershey Lodge and Convention each winter.  The Convention has become the premier grower convention in the Northeast.   See here for more information.

Field Days and Twilight Meetings – PVGA partners with Penn State Extension and other organizations by sponsoring local twilight meetings and regional grower meetings.

Farm Market Tours – PVGA normally helps sponsor the annual “Are You Crazy?” Retail Farm Market Tour each summer or fall and a Farm Market Tour the day before the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention.

Website – This website with its information about the Association as well as connections to other websites is intended as a source of information for growers.

While we do not pretend to have all the answers, we are always ready to try to help growers find answers to their questions. Contact us at or 717-973-5915.