For the past two years PVGA and the Vegetable Marketing and Research Program have been conducting monthly grower conference calls during the season to allow growers to talk about problems they are experiencing during the season – and hear recommendations from Penn State experts for solving them. This year it has been suggested that the calls be held every two weeks alternating between noontime and the evening. It was also suggested that each call have an announced topic although other questions/topics will be welcomed also. Following is the schedule for this year’s calls:
Wed., Jun. 7 – noon – Strawberries
Tue., Jun. 20 – 8:00 p.m. – Veg. Weed Control
Wed., July 5 – noon – Blueberries/Brambles
Tue., July 18 – 8:00 p.m. – Vegetable Insect Pests
Wed., August 2 – noon – Vegetable Diseases
Tue., August 22 – 8:00 p.m. – Tomatoes/Peppers
Wed., September 6 – noon – Vegetable Diseases
Tue., September 19 – 8:00 p.m. – Pumpkins
Tue, October 2 – 8:00 p.m. – Veg. Research Needs
Remember, questions about other topics will be allowed on any of the calls but we will try to have Penn State experts for the announced topic on the line. To participate in the calls, call toll-free 1-877-643-6951 and then enter pass code 55835024# at the scheduled time. All callers will be able to speak if they wish or they can just listen in on the discussion. Please do not call the toll-free number at other times – no one will answer. For any questions, contact PVGA at 717-694-3596.