Rudolph Grob Memorial Scholarship

The Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association is pleased to be able offer several annual scholarships in the amount of $500 to $2,000 in memory of Rudolph Grob of Millersville who served the Association for 50 years as a Director, 20 years as Secretary-Treasurer and for over 20 years as manager of the Association’s Farm Show Booth.  Mr. Grob was a horticulture graduate of Penn State University who was employed for many years at Funk’s Farm Market in Millersville.

The funds for the scholarships are generated by the interest earned by the Association’s Keystone Fund, an endowment type fund created by the voluntary extra dues paid the Keystone Members of the Association.

The purpose of the scholarships is to assist students in obtaining a baccalaureate or associate degree that will enable them to pursue a career in the vegetable, potato or berry production or related industries or businesses.  Children or grandchildren of an Association member who has been a member in good standing for one or more years and who are pursuing a degree in an agriculture-related field may also be considered.

Preference will be given first to children or grandchildren of Association members who are pursuing a career in the vegetable, potato or berry production or related industries or businesses.  Second preference will be given to non-member students who are pursuing a career in the vegetable, potato or berry production or related industries or businesses.  Last preference will be given to children or grandchildren of members who are pursuing a degree in an agriculture-related field.

Applicants must be currently enrolled or have applied for enrollment in a two-year associate or four-year baccalaureate degree program at an accredited institution and be in good academic standing.

Scholarships in the amount of $500 to $2,000 are awarded to students for a one-year period.  Recipients may apply for a renewal although preference will be given to other qualified students over previous recipients.  It is not a need-based scholarship.

Applicants are asked to complete the Rudolph Grob Memorial Scholarship Application send it with the additional requested documents to the PVGA office. All documentation must be received or postmarked no later than May 31, 2025. The Leadership and Recognition Committee may request to interview the applicant in person or by telephone as well as contact college or school advisors and/or references.

The following individuals have received the Rudolph Grob Memorial Scholarship: