Grob Memorial Scholarship Award 2013 – Morgan Hetherington

Grop Memorial Scholarship Recipient 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
Morgan Hetherington, Ringtown          daughter of Barron and Robin Hetherington

Morgan Hetherington, who has received a Grob Scholarship the last three years, represents the seventh consecutive generation to live in the farm house built by her great, great, great grandfather. She is the daughter of Boots and Robin Hetherington who operate B&R Farms in Ringtown. Morgan helps to organize and manage the labor crew which consists of local high school and college students. Morgan is affectionately referred to by her father as “The Pump Girl.” She monitors two irrigation systems and completes the night time pump shutdowns, often after midnight.

Morgan was the first student at North Schuylkill High School to enter a dual enrollment program. She began her college career by completing 20 credit hours at the local Penn State Branch Campus at the same time she was completing her senior year in high school. She graduated in the top ten in her senior class and maintained a 4.0 GPA at Penn State. Morgan was in the band, captain of the academic team, and president of her 4-H club. Morgan is also a church organist.

Morgan was accepted into the Schryer’s Honor College Program at Penn State. She has a work study job in the Honors College Staff Office. Morgan is majoring in Food Science and plans to complete a minor in Horticulture. As part of an international study program she traveled with other College of Ag Sciences students to France this spring to study European horticulture.